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An electronic health record on your USB? CHITS-on-a-stick

In Asia Source 3, Bobby S demonstrated FrontlineSMS and described how it may be possible to hack Huawei USB modem and make it into an Ubuntu liveUSB. This is mind-boggling for several reasons:

– it means there will come a time when all you need to do is stick your USB in any machine and you’ll be able to run your own personal health record AND transmit your data to a centralized backup system

– it means you can run an automated SMS service from any PC

– it means you can run CHITS on any machine, on any operating system, and submit FHSIS data to the National Epidemiology Center (or any other agency you wish) in real-time.

Next year will be a great year for health informatics. Because there will be a new president…

Mike has more info on how to do this here:

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