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Monthly Archives: November 2009

FOSS — from a Filipino lawyer’s perspective

Thorough. What is interesting is that it is a legal perspective.. Primer on Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)

XML — should play a major role in the national health insurance program

More and more, it is increasingly possible for the country to go digital through eXtensible Markup Language (XML). If the government will set the XML schema, then that will allow the hospitals (and developers) to come up with schema-compliant systems that will allow them to submit data to the payor. No names yet.. 🙂

Are you really open source? Put it in github like CHITS

It took sometime but CHITS is now in github. Thanks to Mike crazycrazycrazy for giving us the confidence to do this and congratulations to darth_ali for having the courage to do so. Before CHITS was in many sites: LaunchPad,, sourceforge . But now, it’s in github, the Facebook (R) of codes. Get CHITS here: […]

CHITS replicates self in Tarlac

You all know about the Community Health Information Tracking System. We just had a round of training of trainers in the province of Tarlac and had regular training for four municipalities. To our surprise, one of the municipalities (where we trained on RHU) is teaching another RHU how to use CHITS! It’s a case of […]

PhilHealth Holds Year-end Assessment and 2010 Planning Workshop

The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation is holding its annual year-end assessment and 2010 planning workshop at Hotel PonteFino, Batangas City. The workshop brings together leaders from the national health insurance program to thresh out the activities and targets for 2010 under the direction of President Rey B. Aquino. How do I know this? I’m facilitating […]

Intel hosts eHealth conference

Intel organized a conference on eHealth. I couldn’t get out of my previous commitments but was happy for the few moments I was there. It was good to see familiar faces: Gilbert from DOH, Yas from QQ, and Mayor Clacio/Theda from QQ. I missed Dra from Pasanjan. Doc Francis was there to represent IOSN ASEAN+3 […]

An electronic health record on your USB? CHITS-on-a-stick

In Asia Source 3, Bobby S demonstrated FrontlineSMS and described how it may be possible to hack Huawei USB modem and make it into an Ubuntu liveUSB. This is mind-boggling for several reasons: – it means there will come a time when all you need to do is stick your USB in any machine and […]

Asia Source 3 Peppered with Health Apps (and health profs!)

The largest source camp in Asia was held at Silang, Cavite last November 7 to 12, 2009. Amazingly, this camp has quite a number of health professionals in attendance. Out of the one hundred and fifty participants, five were doctors and three were nurses. Topics on OpenMRS, CHITS, and other eHealth-relevant applications (like FrontlineSMS) were […]