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Category Archives: Communications

Have Wifi, Will Talk — Unlimited

As we proceed to a hospital-wide wireless environment, new tools such as Fring ( allow us to use our Wifi-ready phones as virtual walkie-talkies. With Fring, we can talk to any other Fring user (and even Skype, MSN, GoogleTalk, or Gizmo) through the wireless infrastructure. The possibility is mind boggling. Free calls over the Internet over […]

What is a ‘medhack’?

The component words are ´med´ for ¨medicine¨ and ´hack´ for ¨hacker¨. There are many definitions of ‘hack’, and they range from the best to the worst. Jeffrey Veen has an article on it and I agree with him that a hack is “the appropriate application of ingenuity”. A MedHack then is that same stroke of […]