We’ve been receiving a lot of calls for installations of electronic health records. For starters, electronic health records are expensive. It’s not for all (definitely not for the weak-hearts, unsure, and equivocal). Having said that, if a decision has been made, a systematic implementation is crucial to success. First, is there a sponsor? The sponsor […]
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There’s this new kid on the block (new meaning less than five years in EHR time). OpenMRS is short for open medical record system which is a result of research by Partners in Health (Boston) with South African counterparts. It runs on Java/Tomcat/Hibernate/MySQL, and has an elegant data model (EAV). For those interested in health […]
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
You all know about the Community Health Information Tracking System. We just had a round of training of trainers in the province of Tarlac and had regular training for four municipalities. To our surprise, one of the municipalities (where we trained on RHU) is teaching another RHU how to use CHITS! It’s a case of […]
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The International Open Source Network ASEAN+3 together with DabaweGNU has started the FFEHR project — a Firefox extension project that functions as an electronic health record. The FFEHR project aims to instruct new open source developers on the use of the Cruxade and Firefox 3.x environment for application development. It also aims to engage medical […]
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